Saturday, January 28, 2006

Microwave Tragedy

This is the recent tragedy in our microwave oven. Everyone is aware of consequences of boiling eggs in microwave. This was worse. It spoiled the last cup of soup I was planning to eat since I hadn't had anything since morning. After you soak them overnight it takes clsoe to 2 hours to cook a good quality soup and then before you eat you have to wait another day after cooking.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Townlake Jumping

The Mahatma and the Poet

Meanwhile I am writing it on my own, read the review of this wonderful book at the following link I don't think mine is going to be better than this :)

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Moving Apartment

I hate moving but in this country if you are a student then you have to move almost every year. Look what happened to our loving place when we moved last time :-(

My Receding Hairline

I was totally unaware of my receding hairline, until,
I heard hair care as an excuse for not appearing in court,
Well, I looked into the mirror and counted my age,
My hairline seemed to have aged faster than me,
So when I hold my hairs little back,
I look one thousand years older than I am,
This is bad, you know! I am not even married,
What the hell! When did I loose them?
I always thought hair care and all is girlish stuff,
My sister used to spend half of her pocket money,
Buying shampoo, oil and hair care tonic,
I bought caps, hats and sunglasses
Now I know she was smarter than I am,
Well, I am not going to worry much,
But I must warn those who have not lost hairs yet,
Take care of your hairs, unless,
You are planning an excuse for not appearing in court.

What is PhD?

PhD is a crazy idea of spending youth in school,
PhD is a crazy idea of getting educated in 30s,
PhD is a crazy idea of learning cooking,

PhD is an Illusion of contributing to knowledge,
PhD is an Illusion of having fun in solitude,
PhD is an Illusion of living simple and thinking high,

PhD is an excuse from joining the real world,
PhD is an excuse from getting married,
PhD is an excuse from getting job,

PhD is a way of having costly fun,
PhD is a way of avoiding regular life,
PhD is a way of being weird,

PhD is an assignment of reading random,
PhD is an assignment of thinking random,
PhD is an assignment of writing random,

PhD is a period of being empty,
PhD is a period of being poor,
PhD is a period of being hungry,

PhD is an addiction of laziness,
PhD is an addiction of uselessness
PhD is an addiction of nothingness,

PhD is an art of making excuses,
PhD is an art of articulating procrastinations,
PhD is an art of feeling good out of nothing,

PhD is hunting for nothing,
PhD is hunting for fun,
PhD is hunting for more time,

PhD is timetabling unknown events,
PhD is timetabling unknown actions,
PhD is timetabling unknown procedures,

PhD is a planning not to do a thing,
PhD is a planning not to plan a thing,
PhD is a planning not to complete a thing,

PhD is a scheduling unknown set of tasks,
PhD is a scheduling unknown set of resources,
PhD is a scheduling unknown set of deliverables,

PhD is an unfinished project
PhD is an unfinished venture
PhD is an unfinished game

PhD is a project unmanaged as envisaged,
PhD is a project unplanned as planned,
PhD is a project unforeseen as seen,

PhD is an allocation of time to waste it,
PhD is an allocation of resources to drain them,
PhD is an allocation of funds (NSF) to live,

PhD is driving old cars,
PhD is shaving once a month,
PhD is eating junk 24/7,

PhD is denying existence,
PhD is denying society,
PhD is denying relations,

PhD is dreaming food,
PhD is dreaming money,
PhD is dreaming girls,

PhD is a philosophy of justifying unjust,
PhD is a philosophy of convincing inconvincible,
PhD is a philosophy of solving unsolvable,

PhD is a philosophy of telling untellable,
PhD is a philosophy of selling un-sellable,
PhD is a philosophy of relying unreliable,

PhD is learning how not be able to talk to mom,
PhD is learning how not be able to talk to dad,
PhD is learning how not be able to talk to sis,

PhD is learning how not to talk sense,
PhD is learning how not to think sense,
PhD is learning how not to listen sense,